Money is finally no longer taboo to talk about, and that’s an exciting thing. We can learn from others and there are many good books, podcasts and blogs. Here are just a few of the works that have influenced me and that I often refer to in my coaching work.
Financial Recovery: Developing a Healthy Relationship with Money
By Karen McCall
A must-read. Karen broke new ground with her emotional and behavioral approach to healing money struggles. I am certified through Karen’s Institute for Financial Recovery and apply the principles and practices I learned there.
Secrets of Six-Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life
By Barbara Stanny
In this book Barbara Huson (formerly Stanny) uses personal stories and action-oriented strategies to inspire new approaches to earning., saving, and living.
The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life
By Lynne Twist
A reflection on the impact we can have when our money is aligned with our values
How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously
By Jerrold Mundis
First written in the late 1980s, this little book is powerful and its strategies have endured. In fact, I use many of them in my coaching work.